Medullary thyroid carcinoma with macroscopic metastases but normal basal and stimulated calcitonoin levels.
Medullary thyroid carcinoma with macroscopic metastases but normal basal and stimulated calcitonoin levels.

Ritter M.M., F. Spelsberg, W. Nathrath, A. Stäbler, R. Lamerz, S. Schröder, D. Engelhardt:
Medullary thyroid carcinoma with macroscopic metastases but normal basal and stimulated calcitonoin levels.
Internationaler Workshop und XVI. Arbeitstagung der Chirurgischen Arbeitsgemeinschaft Endokrinologie (CAEK) der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Chirurgie, 23.10.1997 – 25.10.1997, Halle (Saale)